Ecological Survey of Helen Atoll

Ananias, Dominic, and Thomas
Ananias, Dominic and Thomas on the bridge of the Atoll Way.

Group Planning Meeting
Conducting a planning meeting on aboard Atoll Way.

Loading the Skiff
Loading the skiff.

Preparing to Dive
Preparing for a dive on the outer slope.

Chuck Birkeland
Chuck Birkeland surveying corals.

Terry Donaldson
Terry Donaldson under the overhang on the South Wall.

Dominic looking for trochus.

GPS Survey
Marking survey stations with differential GPS.

Wreck at Helen
The big wreck on the west side of the atoll.

Effects of Wreck
Looking at the effects of the big shipwreck.

Ready for Dinner
Ready for dinner after a long day's work.