Fishing Lore of Tobi. Peter W. Black 1968, 2017

Night Fishing Method 4: Fasuwoh Ri Bong

Nemesio, Esobio, Matias.


Matias and Esobio—use Matias's Hook 4
.Hook:  Ramaribout
Line: Medium coconut fiber. Matias and Esobio—thin cotton.
Sinker: 5-pound rock.
Leader: Leader: Wire about 1 foot long.
Bait: Tuna or Her

Line, hook, wire, rock     

According to Nemesio the two spots marked X are the two best places to go, but Matias and Esobio say that any place is good.

Go about 20 fathoms past reef.
Matias—60 fathoms. Esobio—100 fathoms.
Use 90-110 fathoms of line. Esobio says 60-80 fathoms of line.

Best time is March to July.
Go at 6:00 p.m. on a moonlit night. Matias—go at 8:00 p.m.

Catch: Saha, Hari, Mos, Tatahbur, Hausi, Warorum, Haugus [Matias—no Haugus], Hafiroi.

Let the sinker touch the bottom. Esobio—pull up 2 feet.
Let the fish take the bait and eat it. His stomach usually comes out when you pull up.

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Updated: January 18, 2017